Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Final Countdown - 4 weeks

Posted by Michael and Susanne Napp

It's June 2nd....this is the month.  The due date is exactly 4 weeks from today.  Davis will be here this month.  We've done everything physically possible in the house to prepare for his arrival.  The nursery is prepped, we have diapers, we have enough clothes for 3 babies - it's time to hurry up and wait.  I've always dealt with anticipation by making bizarre countdowns in my mind.  I think things like "Only 4 more Sundays until the due date" or "By the team Team Camp finishes up, we'll only be two weeks away."  I even get caught up in weird thoughts like "I bet I can finish all three of these books before he's born....then I can read these two in the hospital....then this one will be good for July when we get home."  I'm a very analytical dude, which is great when I'm teaching or coaching I guess.  But I wish sometimes I could just be that guy who's relaxed, rolls with the punches, and doesn't have to have every gear in his head constantly turning.  But that's not me.  That's not how I was made.  So if I did two blog entries a week until he starts breathing air.....oh, enough already.


Mary Creamer said...

Ya'll are going to be great parents -

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