Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Likely Story

Posted by Michael and Susanne Napp

I knew this would happen.....I knew I would fade in the rapid paced world of blogging. So it's been over a month since the last post, wanna fight about it? I can summarize the last few weeks in a few quick bursts:
1. Davis is getting bigger
2. Sus is getting smaller
3. School started back
4. I got swine flu

#1 - Davis is almost 13 lbs and eats 8+ ounces of milk at each feeding. He's a big boy. His big round cheeks and triple chin are super cute.
#2 - Sus looks great. It's really amazing how beautifully designed the female body is with regards to childbirth. In 8 short weeks, Sus has reversed the 9 month process of pregnancy.
#3 - School is back in session and I'm glad to have a routine every day. I do want to get home a little earlier these days though.
#4 - I got swine flu (and you'll never convince me otherwise). I went to the doctor Friday and jokingly said "you better test me for swine flu." The nurse informs me that they don't even test for it anymore. The regular flu test and strep test both came back negative and the doc tells me its just a cold. Well the fever and cough got worse Saturday -- when it went over 102 the doc called in some Tamiflu. 12 hours later and no fever and flu is gone. Saturday night was miserable and one of those times when you truly think -- I might be OK just dying instead of feeling like this much longer.

Anyway -- all 7 of you who read this are caught up now -- here's some pictures and a funny video:


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