Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break (Part 1)

Posted by Michael and Susanne Napp

Ahhhh.....Spring Break. Time to hit the beach, put a Jimmy Buffett playlist on the iPod, and drink something with an umbrella in it. You know - relaxation and recuperation....chilling out....mental and physical vacation.


you could do what I've been doing so far during spring break. The honey-do list was long and distinguished (threw that in for those of you who can quote Top Gun with me). But, in Sus's defense, she is growing the first-born son of our family. So she's probably entitled to a few requests. I've primed and painted (two-coats each) the nursery. She snuck a carolina blue in on me so I hope Coach K doesn't visit soon. I also attacked the yard with a vengeance. The weeds took over quickly -- but they will die soon. I'll have pictures up later tonight of the nursery for those of you (JuJu and Mimi) who are interested in that sort of thing.

Spring Break Part 2 starts tomorrow .... come back and check out the action


Ashley Turnbull said...

LOVE IT! And, love Sus in her pregnant self! I can relate!!!! The blue looks really good, and I love the bedding. Y'all have really got it together. Adam was in the same position as you a few weeks ago. Oh, and the honey do list's not over with the painting. Can't wait to see the finished product!

The Coles said...

Love the colors.. even though it is a bit of Carolina blue... And Sus you look great (don't listen to your husband!)

Michael and Susanne Napp said...

Her husband thinks she looks great!!

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